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Сертификация в Таможенном союзе ЕАC

Что такое сертификация ТР ТС (ТР ЕАЭС)

Сертификация в Таможенном союзе ЕАЭС – это процесс подтверждения безопасности и соответствия продукции установленным техническим регламентам. Без оформления такого документа невозможна реализация продукции на территории единого таможенного пространства (если она подлежит обязательной процедуре подтверждения соответствия).












Kazakhstan GOST-K Conformity Certification: Certification GOST-K
来源: | 作者:上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 | 发布时间: 280天前 | 129 次浏览 | 分享到:
For certain products, which are not yet subject to the CU-TR/EAEU TR control regulations, Kazakhstan has developed its own harmonised technical regulations. For such products it is mandatory to apply for the Kazakhstan GOST-K Declaration of Conformity to ensure that the quality of the product complies with the national technical regulations of Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, similar to Russia and Belarus, in addition to the technical regulations of the Eurasian Union, there is a national GOST-K technical regulation of Kazakhstan itself.

For certain products, which are not yet subject to the CU-TR/EAEU TR control regulations, Kazakhstan has developed its own harmonised technical regulations. For such products it is mandatory to apply for the Kazakhstan GOST-K Declaration of Conformity to ensure that the quality of the product complies with the national technical regulations of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan has the following national technical regulations:
Requirements for emissions into the environment from burning different types of fuel in boiler systems of thermal power plants - since December 14, 2007 Requirements for emissions into the environment from burning different types of fuel in boiler systems of thermal power plants - since December 14, 2007.
Requirements for the safety of paints, varnishes and solvents - since December 29, 2007
Requirements for feed and feed additives - since March 18, 2008Requirements for the safety of synthetic detergents and household chemicals - since March 4, 2008Requirements for the safety of synthetic detergents and household chemicals - since March 2008
Requirements for the safety of drugs and biological products in veterinary medicine - since April 23, 2008 since April 23, 2008
Pesticide Safety Requirements - since May 29, 2008
Requirements for the safety of buildings and structures made of concrete and reinforced concrete - since December 22, 2008 Safety Requirements for Buildings and Structures Made of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete - since Requirements for the safety of buildings and structures made of concrete and reinforced concrete - since December 22, 2008
Requirements for the safety of wooden structures - since December 26, 2008
General requirements for fire protection - since June 23, 2017 General requirements for fire protection - since 23 June 2017
Safety requirements for constructions made of other materials - since December 31, 2008 Safety requirements for structures made of other materials - since December 31, 2008
Safety requirements for metal structures - since December 31, 2008
Requirements for emissions to the environment in the production of ferro-alloys - since January 26, 2009 Requirements for emissions to the environment in the production of ferro-alloys - since January 26, 2009 - since January 26, 2009
Requirements for fertilisers - since May 28, 2010 Requirements for fertilisers - since May 28, 2010
Nuclear and radiation protection of nuclear facilities for the purpose of research - since February 20, 2017 Nuclear and radiation protection of nuclear facilities for the purpose of research- -20 February, 2017
Requirements for the safety of coal and its products during extraction, processing, storage and transport - since July 17, 2010 Coal and its products during extraction, processing, storage and transport Safety requirements for toxic and highly toxic substances - since July 17, 2010
Safety requirements for toxic and highly toxic substances - since November 19, 2010 Toxic and highly toxic substances safety requirements - since November 19, 2010
Requirements for the safety of bioethanol - since February 24, 2011
Requirements for the safety of biodiesel - since February 10, 2011 Biodiesel Safety Requirements - since February 10, 2011
Legal Framework
The GOST-K conformity assessment is regulated by law:
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Technical Regulation" of November 9, 2004 No. 603-II; Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Technical Regulation" of November 9, 2004 No. 603-II. "No. 603-II of 9 November 2004 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Technical regulation "On conformity assessment procedures" (Decree No. 90 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 4, 2008). Technical regulation "On conformity assessment procedures" (Decree No. 90 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 4, 2008)
Other standards and regulations

Conformity assessment procedure
According to the technical regulations of Kazakhstan, conformity assessment takes two forms:
 Kazakhstan GOST-K Conformity Certification: Certification GOST-K*
Kazakhstan GOST-K Declaration of Conformity: Declaration GOST-K*.
*Kazakhstan certification is commonly known as GOST-K certification to distinguish EAC certificates from certificates of other national standards.
The purpose of the mandatory GOST-K Certificate of Conformity is to check and prove that the product meets the requirements of the relevant technical regulations of Kazakhstan. It ensures the safety of this product for human life and health, environmental protection and preventive behaviour, and protects the consumer from misleading information about quality and safety.

GOST-K Certificate and GOST-K Declaration of Conformity issued in accordance with the national legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The certificate is valid only in Kazakhstan.
In addition to mandatory GOST-K certification, there is also voluntary GOST-K certification. Products that are not subject to any technical regulations of Kazakhstan or the Eurasian Union can confirm their quality and safety in accordance with the requirements of the national standards by means of a voluntary GOST-K certificate.
Reform of technical regulations within the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union
EAC certification, CU-TR declarartion, EAC certificate, EAC Deklaration
Due to the harmonisation of national safety standards between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, previous national technical regulations such as the Russian GOST and TR certifications are gradually being phased out and replaced by the new Technical Regulations of the European Economic Union (TR EAEU).
 GOST-K Conformity Assessment Programme
GOST-K certificates or GOST-K declarations can be used for single deliveries or batches: single batch, valid for 1 year, valid for 3 years. The scheme of the conformity assessment procedure is determined by the applicant and the conformity certification body.
Period of validity
The GOST-K certificate is issued for a maximum period of three years. The GOST-K declaration is valid for one year.
GOST-K mark
Products confirming compliance with the technical regulations of Kazakhstan must bear the GOST-K mark of conformity.
Products that have received voluntary GOST-K certification may also be marked with the GOST-K mark of conformity.
Documents required for certification
Brochure or description
Test reports
Data sheets
Technical documentation
Copies of other quality certificates
Quality management system ISO 9001 certificate
Manufacturer's audit documents
Supply contracts and shipping documents






邮箱: eac@cu-tr.org   gost-r@163.com   

skype: gostchina   


www.cu-tr.com   www.cu-tr.org 






  • EAC认证-海关联盟EAC合格证书 CU-TR certificate of conformity (TR CU)
  • EAC声明-海关联盟EAC符合性声明-EAC Declaration of conformity (TR CU)
  • GOST认证-俄罗斯GOST合格证书(强制性) Russian GOST R Certificate of Conformity
  • GOST声明-俄罗斯GOST-R符合性声明 GOST R Declaration of Conformity (Mandatory)
  • GOST证书-俄罗斯自愿性GOST-R合格证书 GOST R Certificate of Conformity(Voluntary)