Rules for labelling products on the Russian market with the Circulation GOST Mark from 1 March 2022
It will be recalled that this GOST mark applies to products certified and declared in Russia in accordance with Decree No. 982 valid until 1 September 2022; in accordance with Decree No. 2425 - activated from 1 September 2022 these are goods for which the relevant technical regulations have not yet entered into force.
Rules for labelling products on the Russian market with the Circulation GOST Mark from 1 March 2022
On 1 March 2022, the Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade No. 1865 of 21 May 2021 entered into force approving the rules for labelling of products on the Russian market with the Circulation GIOST Mark.

It will be recalled that this GOST mark applies to products certified and declared in Russia in accordance with Decree No. 982 valid until 1 September 2022; in accordance with Decree No. 2425 - activated from 1 September 2022 these are goods for which the relevant technical regulations have not yet entered into force.
GIST labelling requirements
What are the main rules of the Russian Decree 1865 that applicants and manufacturers need to know:
Circulation Marking GOST Marking (CTP) Applies only to products for which a GOST certificate or a GOST declaration of conformity has been obtained in the prescribed manner. Labelling of goods without obtaining the corresponding GOST certificate will result in the payment of a fine by the manufacturer or seller.
The circulating GOST mark shall be applied to each product individually, on the packaging and on the non-removable parts of the accompanying documentation.The position of the GOST mark shall be determined independently by the applicant or the manufacturer.
If the GOST mark cannot be applied to the product itself, it is placed on a packaging label or tape affixed to the product. If it is not possible to apply a label to the packaging, use a leaflet or on promotional material.
In order to remain in circulation throughout the product's life cycle, the Circulation GOST Mark must be clearly visible and resistant to external influences. It must be at least 5 mm wide.
The use of other symbols for marking should not affect the visibility and legibility of the GOST mark for circulation.
The Russian Decree No. 1865 is valid until 1 March 2028.
We remind you that you can always apply for GOST certification from us to avoid the risk of penalties.
俄罗斯EAC-GOST标准测试认证中心 上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 电话:021-36411293 地址:中国上海浦东新区高科东路777号1号楼2017 邮箱: skype: gostchina 手机和微信WeChat:18621862553 | 