
 俄罗斯EAC-GOST认证标准测试中心以质创品牌  以诚树形象  以信赢天下



 以质创品牌  以诚树形象  以信赢天下 

 Create a brand by quality, with a sincere imagewin by letter. 

Сертификация в Таможенном союзе ЕАC

Что такое сертификация ТР ТС (ТР ЕАЭС)

Сертификация в Таможенном союзе ЕАЭС – это процесс подтверждения безопасности и соответствия продукции установленным техническим регламентам. Без оформления такого документа невозможна реализация продукции на территории единого таможенного пространства (если она подлежит обязательной процедуре подтверждения соответствия).












EAC certification of pressure vessels pressure equipment TR CU032/2013
来源: | 作者:上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 | 发布时间: 381天前 | 265 次浏览 | 分享到:
The applicant must be any legal entity or individual business within the Customs Union area. The applicant may choose to have the EAC conformity certification of pressure equipment according to TR CU032/2013 carried out at any accredited certification centre, and the applicant must must provide the required company registration documents, as well as the documents needed to apply for certification. The certification body after document analysis, determine the certification scheme, selection of test samples and analysis of production conditions, after testing and production status audit compliance requirements (according to the programme 1C and 7C), the issuance of EAC certificate of conformity (EAC certificate). The EAC certificate is valid for a maximum of 5 years; under 7C it is valid for the lifetime of the product.

EAC certification of pressure vessels pressure equipment TR CU032/2013

According to TRCU 032/2013 EAC product certification of pressure vessels, pipelines, boilers, fittings for pressure equipment is mandatory and includes major pipelines for the transport of natural gas, oil and other media pressure products. Excluded are: equipment for the use of pressure control stations or compressor stations; equipment for gas distribution/consumption networks; equipment for nuclear energy and radioactive environments; equipment for use in marine, river vessels and aircraft; braking devices for railway rolling stock; military equipment; mechanical components, not separate containers; cylinders for medical pressure chambers; dispenser equipment for aerosols; high-voltage electrical equipment; equipment with non-metallic movable enclosures; exhaust or gas mufflers; carbonated gas dispensers; and equipment for the use of gas. gas mufflers; carbonated beverage containers or siphons. Pressure equipment EAC certification using two types of certification: EAC certificate of conformity (EAC certificate) and EAC Declaration of Conformity (EAC Declaration)

Pressure equipment EAC certificate of conformity (EAC certificate)
The EAC certificate applies to pressure equipment of categories 3 and 4. The following schemes are available for EAC conformity certification of pressure equipment:
Programme Certification scheme Application
 Product testing Evaluated production Inspection control  
1C       +        +        +            +         Batch production
3C       +            -        -           Single batch for parties
4 C          +       -          -         Single batch
7C Type of study - + + For set sequences and mass production

To issue an EAC certificate of conformity (EAC certificate), the applicant provides the following documents:
1. safety justification;
2. product technical passport;
3. user manuals/instructions;
4. project documentation;
5. strength test report;
6. manufacturing standards technical regulations and relevant technical information
7. relevant test reports.
8. factory test reports;
9. specific manufacturer's documentation confirming expert and personnel qualifications;
10. spare parts certificates (if any).
11. ISO certified (if any).

The applicant must be any legal entity or individual business within the Customs Union area. The applicant may choose to have the EAC conformity certification of pressure equipment according to TR CU032/2013 carried out at any accredited certification centre, and the applicant must must provide the required company registration documents, as well as the documents needed to apply for certification. The certification body after document analysis, determine the certification scheme, selection of test samples and analysis of production conditions, after testing and production status audit compliance requirements (according to the programme 1C and 7C), the issuance of EAC certificate of conformity (EAC certificate). The EAC certificate is valid for a maximum of 5 years; under 7C it is valid for the lifetime of the product.

EAC Declaration of Conformity for Pressure Equipment (EAC Declaration)
An EAC Declaration of Conformity (EAC Declaration) shall be applied for pressure equipment of categories 1 and 2. In accordance with TRCU 032/2013, the applicant has the right to choose any of the following schemes:

Programme Certification scheme Application
 The product is tested and passed Production control  
1D Manufacturer + mass production
2D Applicant - Contracting Party
3D Laboratory + mass production
4D Laboratory - Contracting Party Single Product
5D Type of research + for pressure equipment of categories 1, 2, 3 and 4, and the product must be assembled only at the site of use using non-removable place of installation
Application for EAC Declaration of Conformity requires the applicant on the territory of the Customs Union and requires the submission of a package of documents (technical specifications, technical passports, safety reasons, operating manuals, test data, manufacturer's test reports, reports of laboratory tests (if any), qualification of the manufacturer's welders, trade contracts), etc. The certification body analyses the application documents and arranges sample tests. After passing the test, the certification body issues an EAC Declaration of Conformity and registers it with the government. The EAC Declaration of Conformity is valid for a maximum period of 5 years. The applicant (legal entity in the territory of the Customs Union) is obliged to keep the evidence for more than 10 years after the registration of the EAC Declaration of Conformity. Each single product that has received the EAC Declaration of Conformity must be labelled with the EAC mark before it can be placed on the market and used.
Determination of pressure equipment category
Working environment:
Group 1: Working media are: flammable, oxidising, inflammable, explosive, highly toxic and highly toxic gases, liquids and gases, and their mixtures.
Group 2: Other media not included in Group 1
Gas containers (group 1)
Volume (m3) Maximum permissible working pressure of the product (mPa *m3) Maximum permissible working pressure (MPa) Category
More than 0,001 More than 0.0021 than 0.005 More than 0.05 1-category
More than 0,001 More than 0.005 to 0.02 More than 0.05 2-category
Between 0.0001 and 0.001 Unlimited More than 20 to 100 3-Category
At 0.0001 More than 0.02 to 0.1. More than 0.05 3-Category
At 0.0001 to 0.001 Unlimited More than 100 4-Class
In excess of 0,001 In excess of 0.1 In excess of 0.05 4-category
Gas containers (2 groups) 
Volume (m3) Maximum permissible working pressure of the product (mPa *m3) Maximum permissible working pressure (MPa) Category
More than 0,001 More than 0.005 to 0.02 More than 0.05 1-category
More than 0,001 More than 0.02 to 1.1 More than 0.05 2-category
In the range of 0.0001 to 0.001 Unlimited Over 100 to 300. 3-Category
In 0.001 to 1 Over 0.1 to 0.3 Over 0.5 3-Class
In excess of 1 Unlimited Above 0.05 to 0.4 3-Class
At 0.0001 to 0.001 Unlimited Over 300 4-Class
Between 0.001 and 1 More than 0.3 More than 0.4 4-category
More than 1 Unlimited More than 0.4 4-Class
Containers for liquids only (group 1) 
Volume (m3) Maximum permissible working pressure of the product (mPa *m3) Maximum permissible working pressure (MPa) Category
More than 0.01 More than 0.02 At 0.05 to 1 1-Category
Exceeds 0.001 Exceeds 0.02 In 1 to 50 2-Category
0.0001 to 0.001 unlimited Over 50 2-Category
Over 0.001 Unlimited Over 50 3-Class
 Containers for liquids only (group 2) 
Volume (m3) Maximum permissible working pressure of the product (mPa *m3) Maximum permissible working pressure (MPa) Category
Over 0.01 Over 1 In 1 to 50 1-Category
In 0.0001 to 0.01 Unlimited Over 100 2-Category
More than 0.01 More than 1 More than 50 2-category
Boilers (steam, hot water) and vessels with fire heating
Volume (m3) Maximum permissible working pressure of the product (mPa *m3) Maximum permissible working pressure (MPa) Category
From 0.002 to 0.1 up to and including 0.005 Exceeding 0.05 1-Category
From 0.002 to 0.4 Exceeding 0.005 to 0.02 Above 0.05 to 3.2 will make 2-category
In excess of 0.002 to 1 In excess of 0.02 to 0.3 From 0.05 to 3.2 3-category
At 0.002 to 0.01 Unlimited Over 3.2 4-Class
Over 0.01 to 1 At 0.3 At 0.3 4-Class
More than 1 Not limited More than 0.05 4-category
 Pipes, gaseous media (1 group)
Nominal diameter (mm) Maximum permissible working pressure and nominal diameter of the product ( * mm) Maximum permissible working pressure (MPa) Category
Over 25 to 100 Unlimited From 0.05 to 1 1-Category
Over 25 to 100 up to and including 100 Over 1 to 3.5 1-Category
Over 100 to 350 Unlimited From 0.05 to 1 2-Category
More than 25 to 350 More than 100 to 350 More than 1 to 3.5 2-category
Over 25 to 100 Unlimited Over 3.5 2-category
Over 350 Unlimited From 0.05 to 1 3-Class
Over 100 to 350 Over 350 From 1 to 3.5 3-Class
Over 100 Unlimited Over 3.5 3-Class
 Pipes, gas (2 groups)
Nominal diameter (mm) Maximum permissible working pressure and nominal diameter of the product ( * mm) Maximum permissible working pressure (MPa) Category Ob-ya
More than 32 More than 100 to 350 Above 0.05 to 3.2 1-Category
32 to 100 Unlimited Over 3.2 1-category
More than 100 More than 350 to 500 Above 0.05 to 3.2 2-Category
More than 100 above Up to 250 above Unlimited More than 3.2 2-categories
More than 250 Unlimited More than 3.2 3-category
More than 250 More than 500 Above 0.05 to 3.2 will make Category 3-
Pipes for liquids (media group 1)
Nominal diameter (mm) Maximum permissible working pressure and nominal diameter of the product ( * mm) Maximum permissible working pressure (MPa) Category
More than 25 More than 200 In 0.05 to 1 1-Category
Over 25 Over 200 Over 1 to 8 2-Category
Over 25 Over 350 Over 8 to 50 2-category
Over 25 Unlimited Over 50 3-Class
 Pipes for liquids (media group 2) 
Nominal diameter (mm) Maximum permissible working pressure and nominal diameter of the product ( * mm) Maximum permissible working pressure (MPa) Category
Over 200 Over 500 From 1 to 50 1-Category
Over 200 Unlimited Over 50 2-Class

The Eurasian Union includes the members: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan. The compulsory certification mark EAC is used uniformly. It consists of the letters EAC.
The logo is as follows:

Eurasian Union EAC certification application process:

Step 1: Fill out the Customs Union CU-TR certification application form, confirm the name of the export product, model, quantity, product customs code.

Step 2: The certification body confirms the product category according to the customs code and product information, and decides on the certification scheme.

Step 3: The manufacturer submits product information and technical documents in Russian, test reports, supply contracts with CIS countries according to the certification scheme of the certification body.

Step 5: Certification body experts visit the production plant to carry out product testing and quality system audit (if necessary)

Step 6: the production plant in accordance with the views of the agency experts to modify the product information documents or quality system documents (rectification).

Step 7: the certification body to produce a draft certificate, the applicant to confirm the accuracy of the draft, feedback to the agency.

Step 8: The certificate is issued.

Step 9: The "EAC" mark of the Customs Union certification is affixed on the product's nameplate, and a copy of the certificate is presented for customs clearance.






邮箱: eac@cu-tr.org   gost-r@163.com   

skype: gostchina   


www.cu-tr.com   www.cu-tr.org 





  • EAC认证-海关联盟EAC合格证书 CU-TR certificate of conformity (TR CU)
  • EAC声明-海关联盟EAC符合性声明-EAC Declaration of conformity (TR CU)
  • GOST认证-俄罗斯GOST合格证书(强制性) Russian GOST R Certificate of Conformity
  • GOST声明-俄罗斯GOST-R符合性声明 GOST R Declaration of Conformity (Mandatory)
  • GOST证书-俄罗斯自愿性GOST-R合格证书 GOST R Certificate of Conformity(Voluntary)