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Сертификация в Таможенном союзе ЕАC

Что такое сертификация ТР ТС (ТР ЕАЭС)

Сертификация в Таможенном союзе ЕАЭС – это процесс подтверждения безопасности и соответствия продукции установленным техническим регламентам. Без оформления такого документа невозможна реализация продукции на территории единого таможенного пространства (если она подлежит обязательной процедуре подтверждения соответствия).












Eurasian Union/Customs Union CU-TR certification (EAC Conformity Assessment, EAC Declaration of Conformity
来源: | 作者:上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 | 发布时间: 175天前 | 137 次浏览 | 分享到:
In order to apply for the Eurasian Union/Customs Union CU-TR certification (EAC Conformity Assessment, EAC Declaration of Conformity) or the Russian GOST R certificate, the product must pass the appropriate tests.

Type examination is usually a mandatory step in EAC conformity assessment. It is used to test a representative sample of the product for compliance with the requirements of the CU-TR technical regulations.

In order to apply for the Eurasian Union/Customs Union CU-TR certification (EAC Conformity Assessment, EAC Declaration of Conformity) or the Russian GOST R certificate, the product must pass the appropriate tests.

Performance of type examinations
Only testing laboratories accredited by the Eurasian Union may perform type examinations for EAC certification. Accredited laboratory means:
The testing laboratory must have an authorised accreditation with the appropriate notification from the Federal Accreditation Service (e.g. Rosaccreditation Russia)
It must be listed in the register of testing laboratories (centres) of the Eurasian Union.
Requirements for accredited testing laboratories are set out in the following specifications:
GOST R 51000.4-2008 General requirements for accreditation of testing laboratories.

GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2019 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.
1. Type testing Witnessed testing: may only be carried out at the manufacturer's site and using the manufacturer's test equipment, provided that the test equipment has been approved in advance by the accreditation body and an EAC accredited accredited expert is present during the type test to ensure the objectivity of the test. Eyewitness testing.
2. If the EAC Declaration of Conformity is made in accordance with Scheme 1D or 2D, the test inspection can also be carried out in the manufacturer's own production laboratory. However, technical regulations must also be taken into account.
3. According to the following technical regulations, type examinations may only be carried out in accredited test laboratories:
TR CU 007/2011 on the safety of products for children and young people
TR CU 009/2011 Safety of perfumes and cosmetics
TR CU 017/2011 Safety of light industrial products
TR CU 025/2012 Safety of furniture

Type of tests

Generally, there is only one type of test, the safety test. Depending on the product, other safety indicators such as electrical, chemical and microbiological safety are also considered. However, the tests are still subdivided into two other categories:
Samples are tested but not destroyed: this applies to expensive or unique products
Samples are destroyed (destructive testing) and then disposed of by the laboratory. Information on this will always be provided prior to ordering.

Testing procedure

For EAC certification, only samples are submitted for testing to a laboratory accredited by the Eurasian Union. The certification body takes samples from the manufacturer (or its authorised representative) and the importer.
In order to carry out a type examination of the samples, the following documents must be sent together with the samples:

Application form

Product specifications/manuals in Russian language
Product specifications/technical documentation in Russian
Note: In any case, a detailed list of documents required by the technical rules should be provided.
Type examination is carried out in accordance with the statutory procedures and methods of certification, specific implementation of standard specifications required in the appendix to the General Technical Rules. These GOST standards are based on generally accepted certification test methods and are based on product type. The table below shows some of the standards for specific product groups:
TR CU 010/2011 On the safety of machinery and equipment
GOST 12.2.003-91 Occupational safety standards system Industrial equipment General safety requirements
TR CU 004/2011 Low voltage safety equipment
GOST IEC 60335-1-2015 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 1 General requirements
TR CU 020/2011 Electromagnetic compatibility
GOST 30804.6.2-2013 (IEC 61000-6-2:2005) Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment Immunity requirements and test methods for technical equipment for use in industrial environments
TR CU 032/2013 Safety of pressurised equipment
GOST 34347-2017 General specifications for steel welded containers and equipment
TR CU 009/2011 Safety of cosmetics
GOST 31696-2012 Hygienic washing products for cosmetics General Specification
TR CU 017/2011 Safety of light industrial products
GOST 30327-95 Shirts Specifications
TR CU 019/2011 Safety of personal protection products
GOST ISO 13688-2015 Protective Clothing General Requirements
TR CU 025/2012 Furniture safety
GOST R 56008-2014 Conformity assessment Procedure for mandatory confirmation of conformity of products with the requirements of the Customs Union technical regulation "Safety in the production of furniture".
The programme and methodology can be developed jointly by the manufacturer and the experts of the certification body.
In some cases, type examination is not required if it is not required by the technical regulations. For example, type testing is not required for conformity assessment procedures according to Scheme 9c or 6c.

Samples for the testing procedure
Samples shall be taken in accordance with the sampling and testing procedure. According to the rules for the correct selection of samples, the required number of samples, determine the testing procedure, etc.

Test report Test report
Test results recorded in the test report.
The test report is an official document issued by the testing laboratory after the certification test. It confirms the conformity of the sample to the specified test criteria.

Based on the test report and expert opinion, the certification body issues an EAC Certificate of Conformity or Declaration of Conformity.
The test report must contain the following information:
basis of the tests
information on the manufacturer of the products manufacturer information product information
description of the samples Sample description
testing methods Testing methods
date Date
Period of validity of a test report
Period of validity of a test report Test report validity period

If the test report has been issued as part of a mandatory certification, the test report is valid for one year from the date of issue. For further requirements, the test report is valid for six years. If voluntary certification of the test report is required, the validity period is agreed upon in consultation with the Notified Body.

The test report laboratory is obliged to keep a copy of the agreement for at least 3 years.

Duration and costs of EAC type examination Duration and costs of EAC type examination
The duration and costs of EAC type examination for EAC certification or EAC declaration depend on the number of samples to be examined and the complexity of the product. The exact conditions for the exact test costs for EAC certification are always determined individually according to the required technical documentation and test requirements.






邮箱: eac@cu-tr.org   gost-r@163.com   

skype: gostchina   


www.cu-tr.com   www.cu-tr.org 





  • EAC认证-海关联盟EAC合格证书 CU-TR certificate of conformity (TR CU)
  • EAC声明-海关联盟EAC符合性声明-EAC Declaration of conformity (TR CU)
  • GOST认证-俄罗斯GOST合格证书(强制性) Russian GOST R Certificate of Conformity
  • GOST声明-俄罗斯GOST-R符合性声明 GOST R Declaration of Conformity (Mandatory)
  • GOST证书-俄罗斯自愿性GOST-R合格证书 GOST R Certificate of Conformity(Voluntary)