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Сертификация в Таможенном союзе ЕАC

Что такое сертификация ТР ТС (ТР ЕАЭС)

Сертификация в Таможенном союзе ЕАЭС – это процесс подтверждения безопасности и соответствия продукции установленным техническим регламентам. Без оформления такого документа невозможна реализация продукции на территории единого таможенного пространства (если она подлежит обязательной процедуре подтверждения соответствия).












GOST/CU-TR/EAC certification schemes adopted in the Russian and Eurasian Union markets
来源: | 作者:上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 | 发布时间: 175天前 | 116 次浏览 | 分享到:
Customs Union CU-TR Declaration of Conformity Certification Programme,Programme Customs Union CU-TR Declaration of Conformity Certification Programme Description1D The programme includes: formation and analysis of technical documentation, production control, registration of declaration of conformity after product testing.

Introduction to common GOST/CU-TR/EAC certification schemes adopted in the Russian and Eurasian Union markets

Certification or Declaration of Conformity for a product in Russia means that the product complies with the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations or technical regulations, and is determined to be a conforming product. The right help in choosing the applicable certification scheme will enable the applicant or manufacturer to have a more comprehensive understanding of the way in which products are certified in Russia.
Some certification programmes are suitable for certification of a specific batch of goods, you can also choose to take the mass production of frequently exported products certified, the validity of the certificate depends on the application of the certificate issued by the various certification programmes.
There are three common types of conformity assessment programmes, depending on the product:
1. GOST R certification system,
2. GOST-TR technical regulations system,
3. CU-TR Customs Union Technical Regulations System.
GOST R Certification System for Russia
Programme Description of the GOST-R Certification Programme
1 Only standard samples taken from a batch of goods are tested. This scheme is mostly used for more complex products.
1a Includes, on the basis of scheme 1, in addition to the analysis of production conditions.
2 Samples are taken from traders for sample testing to ensure that certified products are on the market.
2a Includes taking option 2 and issuing a certificate of conformity after analysing the production situation and inspecting the product manufacturer's production plant.
3 Sample testing is carried out from the manufacturer's warehouse before the product is sent to the consumer, and the sample testing must be carried out in a certified accredited laboratory.
3a Sample testing of the product with analysis of the production status of the manufacturer's factory and inspection control in accordance with Option 3.
4 Product testing applies only if the samples are tested from the manufacturer's warehouse and the seller provides samples for testing.
4a Testing according to Programme 4 and often analysis of production conditions in the manufacturer's factory.
5 Product testing and product certification prior to the issuance of the certificate of conformity
6 Confirmation of product quality assurance system. Enterprises must establish ISO quality system management system.
7 Include a batch of products for testing. This means that the same product is selected from the batch of goods to the manufacturing enterprise for its testing and subsequent adoption of the procedure for issuing certificates.
8 Each product manufactured by the manufacturer is tested by the manufacturer.
9 On the basis of testing of products not supplied, the applicant himself makes a declaration of conformity according to the application. This option is suitable for small batches of products.
10 Product testing, taking samples obtained from both the manufacturer and the seller for testing.
10a Product testing is carried out according to the programme 10, and the factory is inspected and controlled.

Certification scheme of Russian GOST-TR technical regulations

Scheme GOST-TR Certification Scheme Description
1C Product testing only. The programme is applied to small shipments.
2C A product takes the 2c scheme, it will be necessary to carry out sample testing and analysis of production status.
3C Under this programme, a product sample is tested and a certificate is issued, but then a supervisory control inspection is required.
4C The programme includes: testing, analysis of production, inspection and control.
5C The scheme is one of the most demanding as it includes: testing, ISO system certification, analysis of production status and inspection control.
6C Under this scheme, testing and certification of only one batch of products is restricted to identifying a limited number of shipments.
7C This scheme is less common and tests are carried out for each production unit.

Customs Union Technical Regulations CU-TR Certification Certificate of Conformity Scheme
Scheme EAC Certification Scheme Description

1C This programme consists of: product testing and production status check controls.
2C For a batch of goods, this programme implies the testing of the product and the issuance of a certificate, which the factory must have on the basis of ISO 9001 certification.
3C When the certified products are in the 3C programme, it is necessary to carry out product testing.
4C The programme includes inspection/testing of each product.
5C The programme includes audit of the production plant for production and research type testing of the item.
6C The programme includes research type testing and inspection control of items.
7C The programme includes product testing, analysis of production status, and inspection control.
8C Testing of standardised samples and checking of ISO quality management systems
9C Analysis of technical documentation

GOST R Declaration of Conformity Certification Programme for Russia
Programme Description of the GOST-R Declaration of Conformity Programme

1D The GOST-R Declaration of Conformity is registered on the basis of the Russian applicant's own evidence of conformity.
2D "Declaration of Conformity to GOST-R" is registered on the basis of tests carried out by an independent accredited laboratory.
3D "Declaration of Conformity to GOST-R" is registered on the basis of testing of samples by an accredited laboratory and under the control of an ISO 9001 quality management system check.
4D This programme includes sample testing, inspection control and certification of the ISO 9001 quality management system.
5D This programme applies to the certification of a consignment of goods. Testing is carried out and a declaration of conformity is issued.
6D Under this programme, testing is carried out on each individual item.
7D Under this programme, the certification body certifies the validity of the ISO 9001 quality management system and carries out product testing and performs inspection control.

Russian GOST-TR Declaration of Conformity Certification Programme
Programme GOST-TR Declaration of Conformity Certification Programme Description

1D This programme is for Russian applicants who wish to register a Declaration of Conformity on the basis of their own research and evidence.
2D This package is a supplement to 1D, where product testing must be carried out in an independent accredited laboratory before registration of the declaration.
3D This is the most difficult scheme, where an ISO 9001 Quality Management System inspection must be carried out and sample testing carried out before registration of the declaration.
4D This scheme is for a batch of products. The declaration is registered after random testing of a batch of goods.
5D On the basis of ISO 9001 quality management system certification and evidence of conformity of the company's products and the need to monitor the quality management system.

Customs Union CU-TR Declaration of Conformity Certification Programme
Programme Customs Union CU-TR Declaration of Conformity Certification Programme Description

1D The programme includes: formation and analysis of technical documentation, production control, registration of declaration of conformity after product testing.
2D The programme includes: formation and analysis of technical documentation, testing of a sample of products from a batch (a single product), followed by the issuance and registration of a declaration of conformity.
3D The programme includes: analysis of technical documentation, testing of samples in an accredited laboratory and implementation of production controls.
4D The programme includes: analysis of product parameters and documentation, testing of a single product.
5D The programme includes: analysis of documentation, carrying out laboratory tests and expert studies (type tests).
6D The programme includes: checking of the ISO quality management system of the product, production control, product inspection/type testing, monitoring and checking of the stability of the management system.





邮箱: eac@cu-tr.org   gost-r@163.com   

skype: gostchina   


www.cu-tr.com   www.cu-tr.org 




  • EAC认证-海关联盟EAC合格证书 CU-TR certificate of conformity (TR CU)
  • EAC声明-海关联盟EAC符合性声明-EAC Declaration of conformity (TR CU)
  • GOST认证-俄罗斯GOST合格证书(强制性) Russian GOST R Certificate of Conformity
  • GOST声明-俄罗斯GOST-R符合性声明 GOST R Declaration of Conformity (Mandatory)
  • GOST证书-俄罗斯自愿性GOST-R合格证书 GOST R Certificate of Conformity(Voluntary)